Public Relations, Marketing, Advertising — What's the Difference??

Formidable PR Edmonton Public Relations Agency Marketing Advertising - What is the Difference

Have you ever found yourself in a muddle trying to determine the differences between public relations, marketing, and advertising? No worries, we've got your back! Let's break it down in simple terms.

Public Relations (PR): Making Connections That Matter

Think of PR as the friendly handshake of the business world. It's all about building relationships and managing how people see a company or person.

The Canadian Public Relations Society (CPRS) uses this public definition of PR: "Public relations is the strategic management of relationships between an organization and its diverse publics, through the use of communication, to achieve mutual understanding, realize organizational goals and serve the public interest."

PR wizards are like behind-the-scenes magicians who work to create a positive image. More than a marketing plan or an advertisement, PR is about building and maintaining relationships with the media, important stakeholders, and the public. PR professionals deal with the media, press releases, events, and even crises. So, when you read a cool article about your favourite brand or see a CEO talking about their company's big plans on the news, that's PR at work!

Want to know more about what the heck is Public Relations? You're in luck. We recently launched our podcast with the introductory topic of "WTF is PR?" We take that definition at the top of this article and wring it out like a wet t-shirt. Give it a listen

Marketing: Sparking Interest and Selling Stuff

Imagine marketing as the excitement generator. Its goal is to grab your attention, make you curious, and persuade you to buy something. Marketers come up with cool slogans, eye-catching visuals, and snazzy ads that make you think, "Hey, I want that!"

The American Marketing Association says, "Marketing is the process of identifying customer needs and determining how best to meet those needs. In contrast, advertising is promoting a company and its products or services through paid channels. In other words, advertising is a component of marketing." In that way, we can understand advertising as a tool in the marketer's toolbelt or one piece of their larger marketing plan. 

Market research, data-driven insights, and industry trends inform a marketing strategy, which can help determine advertising efforts such as digital ads, television or radio commercials, and much more. 

If you're watching an ad that effectively makes you crave a burger or a new gadget, you're seeing marketing in action.

Advertising: Putting the Spotlight On

Okay, it's time for advertising, the superstar of "Look at me!" Advertisers take the ideas from marketing and create attention-grabbing content to showcase a product or service. They then purchase ad space strategically to reach their target audience. It's like putting a spotlight on something and saying, "Hey, check this out!" You'll see ads on TV, social media, billboards, and even in the apps you use. 

"Advertising is a business practice where a company pays to place its messaging or branding in a particular location," says the American Marketing Association. "Unlike other types of marketing or even public relations, companies have total control over advertising. When a company pays to place an ad, it has complete control over how the content is promoted."

If you've ever done a Google search for a product and then been hit by ads for that product on another site, that's advertising. If you've tuned in for the Superbowl to see the special commercials, you're a nerd. Also, that's advertising.

When to Use Each Superpower

So, when do you call in the PR squad, marketing geniuses, or the advertising champs? Here's the scoop:

PR steps in when you want to create a good reputation, handle bad press, or connect with the public.

Marketing takes the stage when you want to make people aware of your awesome stuff and convince them it's worth their time and money. They're the ones who sprinkle magic to make things irresistible. They do this through strategic planning and creativity, considering your audiences, what they need to hear and see, and when.

Advertising steals the spotlight when it's time to put that awesome stuff in front of its target audience. When you want to showcase a specific product, service, or offer, advertising finds the perfect placement to share your message. 

In a Nutshell

Think of PR, marketing, and advertising as the dynamic trio. PR builds relationships and images, marketing gets you excited, and advertising puts things right in front of you. They all work together to help businesses shine and thrive.

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